Monday, June 10, 2019

Our First Blog of the Season: On the road again!

June 9, 2019 ... Where to begin?

Well we made it out of Arizona with a little hiccup along the way. As we have found out with every newer RV there is a learning curve. And once again we are on the upswing (we hope) of that curve. But the RV is working out well the further we go on the journey.

We ran into, around and managed to bypass most of the weather through Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma but as you saw by the pictures we posted on Facebook we witnessed a lot of the damage and flooding. And the wind was horrendous as we traveled east but once we headed north towards Michigan it was much more manageable.

By the time we stopped for a much needed rest at a friend’s place in Mio County, MI we were feeling a lot better about the trip. Thank God for good friends!!

Now as we sit at Thurston’s RV Park in Central Lake, MI we are enjoying our lake front spot with some beautiful swans that are very photogenic.

Yesterday I took the day to do some equipment cleaning and maintenance in preparation for test runs at the match. Then we journeyed into town for a car show, went for a ride and found an ice cream shop and then hung out with some great new friends (one who even shared a cigar with us). Our neighbors have been amazing and we even seem to have found a wood fairy that has contributed to our evening fires. The folks temporarily running the park are just outstanding and stop by for some visits and chats too. We just love this place.

Today I finally got out to put a few rounds downrange during a few practice runs.  Also took photos of some of the shooters and will start posting “faces of the Pin Shoot” soon. I’ll make sure I send some links out for your viewing pleasure.

I was planning on shooting the match tomorrow but it’s been raining all afternoon here and supposed to do the same tomorrow so I may postpone shooting the match until Tuesday when the weather is forecasted to break for a day (but I will do a couple of more practice runs in the morning rain or shine) L

We have made some great new friends here at the park over the few days we’ve been here and enjoyed some awesome conversations over the campfires. Sadly tonight it’s just too darn wet to even sit outside. I will say we are much more comfortable than the folks in tents for the weekend.

I’ll write some more a little later in the week after I do a little more shooting and join in the match.

For tonight that’s all folks!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that the trip with the new RV is improving. Good luck at the match!
