Thursday, September 23, 2021

Kate’s Humidor

 This is my journey to my favorite cigars and places. What I like, dislike, and cigars that I will smoke on occasion and why. Please remember these are always in my very humble opinion. 

I started smoking cigars when I worked on the railroad many years ago and since then my tastes have grown and changed based on experience and of course the almighty budget. 

It’s been a long and wonderful journey filled with great places and most importantly outstanding people.

If anyone has any great cigars that you think I should try feel free to make suggestions and /or send me one to try.

I’m not a purist I only know what I like. Don’t ask me if I taste berries or flavor or most anything else as I’m just a person who enjoys the experience and the ambience of the leaf and the location. 

My husband and I like to travel in an RV and we look for cigar shops, bars and lounges where we can stop and enjoy our passion.

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Our First Blog of the Season: On the road again!

June 9, 2019 ... Where to begin?

Well we made it out of Arizona with a little hiccup along the way. As we have found out with every newer RV there is a learning curve. And once again we are on the upswing (we hope) of that curve. But the RV is working out well the further we go on the journey.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Leaf

During our travels to New Hampshire after Thanksgiving we had the opportunity to visit a couple of cigar lounges for a little R&R before moving on again. But one visit in particular stood out at a great little place in Portsmouth, New Hampshire called Federal Cigars

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Day I just don't know HAHAHAHA AKA home again home again!

We are back in Arizona!!!

We put about 15,000 miles on our little RV, saw some incredible views, places and things, met some amazing people and (as you all know) ate some wonderful food. We have taken our 26' Born Free RV on one more journey recently. To it's new home in New Hampshire where it will be well loved. For a first journey in an RV it was pretty spectacular (even with the mechanical hiccups) but we are ready to go again.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Day 93-128 so many miles so little internet


Miles Total: I'll figure that out later

OMG 128 days! OK so this is going to be a lot … from South Carolina to Georgia, Orlando, Titusville, Fort Myers, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Ybor City, and Tallahasse Florida. Up to/through Georgia to Eufaula, Alabama (beautiful old Southern charm) to Tuscaloosa, Birmingham and Gardendale. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Day 92: South Carolina and more bridges


Miles traveled today - 233.7 Total miles - 8719.2

I swear the Carolina coastline is held together by bridges... But they are really cool to go across. Even though both the Carolina's are stingy with their beach views those views from the bridges are pretty amazing. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Day 90-91 The Outer Banks and stuff...


Miles - 297.1 / Trip Total -8485.5

We decided to head towards the coast of North Carolina this week and check out the Outer Banks. The ride itself is lovely and the bridges between land masses are amazing but not a lot of places to stop to enjoy and once on the islands the houses and banking block the view of the ocean. North Carolina is very stingy with it's ocean views...if you don't own it or rent it you don't see it. Very disappointing! We did stop to eat at a neat restaurant in Nags Head, NC called Dirty Dicks... Their logo is "I got my crabs from Dirty Dicks". Food was OK but their steamed clams or mussels appetizer in an amazing cream and garlic sauce was outstanding!